6 Powerful Rosacea Skincare Routine

March 17, 2023
6 Powerful Rosacea Skincare Routine
6 Powerful Rosacea Skincare Routine

Living with rosacea can be overwhelming and painful. A dive into a subreddit can illustrate the hardship of battling this skin condition. Therefore, building a rosacea skincare routine can provide ease and management to avoid flares. 

Read through to learn about rosacea and what dermatologists tend to recommend for the best skincare regimen for rosacea. 

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea (rose-AY-sha) is a frequent issue of the skin. It starts with blushing or flushing more than other people.

The reddening can gradually extend beyond the nose and cheeks to the forehead and chin. Even ears, chest, and back may have a persistent red hue.

More than just redness comes with rosacea - it has four types due to its many signs and symptoms.

  • Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea characteristics are redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels.
  • Papulopustular rosacea symptoms include reddening, swelling, and acne-like breakouts. 
  • Phymatous rosacea causes the skin to thicken and have a bumpy texture. 
  • Ocular rosacea, eyes are inflamed and irritated, eyelids may swell, and there may be a sty-like appearance.

Rosacea: Diagnosis and treatment

How do dermatologists diagnose rosacea?

When diagnosing rosacea, a dermatologist will examine the skin and eyes and ask questions. No medical test can diagnose it - only a professional opinion can. Once diagnosed, treatment may include avoiding triggers, using gentle skin care products, and treatment options. 

Before diagnosing rosacea, a dermatologist may want to ensure other medical conditions aren’t present. Various medical tests can help rule out conditions such as lupus and allergic skin reactions that could be mistaken for rosacea. 

If you have rosacea, your dermatologist can discuss treatment options. Treatment for rosacea cannot cure it, but it can help to reduce or even eliminate signs of the condition on the skin, ease discomfort, and prevent the disease from worsening.

Rosacea: Insights

6 Powerful Rosacea Skincare Routine
6 Powerful Rosacea Skincare Routine

For better management, a rosacea skincare routine can improve comfort, boost skin health, and reduce flare-ups while furthering the positive results seen from treatment.

To help patients with rosacea properly care for their skin, dermatologists recommend 

  1. Cleanse the face twice daily using a mild, rosacea-friendly cleanser and rub gentle, circular motions. Rinse it off with lukewarm water and your fingertips - any remaining cleanser can irritate. Pat dry with a cotton towel. 
  1. It is essential to moisturize daily, even when skin texture tends to be dry or oily, to effectively trap water within the skin and reduce any associated irritations. Studies have also shown that a rosacea-friendly moisturizer or barrier repair cream can further help improve treatment outcomes.
  1. Sun exposure can worsen rosacea and often be the trigger for flare-ups, even if you have naturally darker skin tones. Daily sunscreen application is recommended before leaving the house, regardless of overcast conditions. Wearing sunscreen helps protect your skin from sun damage and minimize any associated rosacea symptoms.
  1. For those with rosacea, many skin care products and cosmetics can be triggering for the skin. Gentle cleansing, moisturizing, and sun protection will help reduce sensitivity, but careful product selection is also needed when shopping for skincare and makeup. 

Before making a purchase,  read through the ingredient list to avoid any items that may contain potential irritants:

  • Alcohol
  • Camphor
  • Fragrance
  • Glycolic acid
  • Lactic acid
  • Menthol
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate (often found in shampoos and toothpaste)
  • Urea

Opt for facial cream over a lotion or gel, and avoid any astringents or toners. 

  1. Before using a skin care product or makeup, it's best to test to see if it irritates your rosacea-prone skin. To do this, apply a small amount near (but not on) the affected area. If you experience burning, stinging, or any other irritant within 72 hours, know to avoid the product. 
  1. When caring for your skin, be gentle and avoid irritation. Including not rubbing or scrubbing your face and evading exfoliating scrubs, washcloths, and facial sponges. 

If you're having difficulty finding products that don't irritate your rosacea-prone skin, consulting a dermatologist can be helpful. A dermatologist can examine your skin and recommend products tailored to meet the specific needs of your skin.

Additional skin care tips

When looking for a rosacea-friendly sunscreen, dermatologists suggest selecting a product that contains zinc oxide and titanium dioxide (or both), silicone (often found as dimethicone, Cyclomethicone, or Cyclomethicone), is fragrance-free and provides broad-spectrum protection with at least an SPF of 30 or higher.

Prevent Rosacea Triggers

6 Powerful Rosacea Skincare Routine
6 Powerful Rosacea Skincare Routine 6 Powerful Rosacea Skincare Routine 6 Powerful Rosacea Skincare Routine 6 Powerful Rosacea Skincare Routine 6 Powerful Rosacea Skincare Routine 6 Powerful Rosacea Skincare Routine 6 Powerful Rosacea Skincare Routine 6 Powerful Rosacea Skincare Routine

If stress triggers your rosacea, learn how to manage it to prevent worsening.  Try activities, tai chi, meditation, or joining a rosacea support group. Moreover, do something you enjoy daily and take deep breaths in stressful moments. Exhale slowly and focus on the present moment.

To prevent a flare-up from overheating, dermatologists recommend taking preventative measures. Try taking warm baths and showers instead of hot ones, and dress in layers to easily remove pieces of clothing if necessary. 

If you start to feel overheated, drape a cold, wet cloth around your neck, sip on a cold drink, use a fan or air-conditioner, and sit far enough away from fireplaces or other heat sources.

This may also include hot beverages. 

Alcohol may also trigger unpleasant symptoms, and opt for white wine rather than red and dilute alcoholic drinks with soda or lemonade to lessen their potency. Consider limiting yourself to one or two drinks and having a large glass of cold water afterward. For the ultimate prevention, abstain from alcohol altogether.

Spicy food can provoke triggers, but if you can’t enjoy a meal without it, go for a mild intensity. Avoid all spicy foods if you experience unpleasant effects. 

If you’re concerned that a medicine might be causing your rosacea to flare, first talk to the doctor who prescribed it. 

Some medications known to worsen rosacea include those used for 

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart problems
  • Anxiety
  • Migraines
  • Glaucoma
  • Vitamin B3

If one of these may be turning your face red, ask if there is an alternative you can take instead.


While there is no cure for rosacea, there are ways to manage it. Common treatments include avoiding triggers such as spicy foods, using gentle skincare products, and using prescribed creams or antibiotics. 

For some people, lifestyle changes may be necessary to prevent discomfort. Treat, manage, and reduce rosacea symptoms with a rosacea skincare routine. 

Consult your healthcare professional to work towards the best skincare regimen for rosacea. 

Restrictions aren’t fun, but your well-being is a top priority. Practice safe and caring actions towards your mind and body to navigate toward memorable experiences. 

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